Sunday, January 1, 2012

About Heidi

Hi there.

My name is Heidi Heleniak and I'm "Being Social."

Although I don't feel like an old pro... I actually have been involved with the internet, SEO, and social media for over a decade, using these skills for both B2B and B2C companies.

Participating in the first generation of professional forums, listening to the sound of dial-up modems, setting up AOL Messenger for internal corporate communication, and getting a very nice pen from as a "Thank You" for being one of their favorite customers. I know... I'm ancient, and have the Men At Work albums to prove it :)

But the ever-changing cyber world forces you to stay up on things. If you don't, good luck on keeping your customers.

This is where I step in and let you know how to keep your old customers and expand awareness of your goods and services to new people. There are simple things you can do: Simple SEO* on your website, claim your store or corporations profiles on various search websites, participate in social media platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and of course, that ol' chestnut: Facebook.

(Or you can find someone to do it for you... Someone like me!).

If you are interested in hiring me as a consultant, social media community manager, you can contact me at heidi (at) heidiscottage (dot) com

heidi signature

*Search Engine Optimization... making it easier for webcrawlers to find your site and like what they see.